Apprenticeship for Vocational Astrology

This page describes a professional apprenticeship program for astrologers. To make a career counselling appointment with Faye Cossar please contact Faye.

Practical Vocational Profiling Training Information

NEW: Apprenticeship
Faye Cossar offers an apprenticeship programme online in both English and Dutch. Contact Faye if you are interested in this or in her book on this topic.

Achieve the results of a career counsellor and expand your own prospects as an astrologer. 

This apprenticeship training, led by Faye Cossar, will help you gain insights into the steps and techniques that a career counsellor uses in order to create a vocational profile. You will learn how to use the birth chart to achieve this. This apprenticeship is structured to provide you with a new range of services to enable longer-term and deeper work with clients.

Who is this training course for? Any astrologer, who has a good basic grounding in astrology, interested in addressing career/vocation issues with clients, and with an interest in gaining astrological and counselling insights in this area.

Helping with clients real questions such as:

  • "What am I good at?"
  • "I need to feel passionate about my work but what is my passion?"
  • "Now there’s lots of uncertainty, I feel at a crossroads. What are my choices?"
  • "I still doubt my ability. Should I change course?
  • I keep coming across the same stumbling blocks.
Clients often consult astrologers when they’re at a crossroads in their jobs. Perhaps they’ve been dissatisfied with work, or they’ve been fired, made redundant or feel that it’s too late to start afresh. With this course, by using vocational profiling and key parts of the horoscope, you’ll learn how to help clients discover the types of work that suit them, and uncover and define their blocks to achieving their goals. During this training, you’ll also pinpoint your own style, strengths and talents.

You’ll work with various professional career counselling exercises and learn to use the horoscope to:

  • Spot profession, life mission, motivations and realistic aims
  • Identify talents, personal styles, image, goals, norms and values
  • Address the ideal working environment and colleagues/bosses
  • Build a C.V. and career profile
  • Obtain ideas for websites and other promotional items
  • Take your knowledge further with clients

At the end of this course or apprenticeship you will have gained...

* Insight into vocational profiling

* Ways to use astrology for career guidance for yourself and your clients

* Support and guidance
* Supervision/feedback
* Assignments to use with clients and advice about your own practice.

You will need: have a basic knowledge of astrology and some experience reading charts.

... to find your own client to work with for the duration of the course and obtain permission to use their details in the work.

... to obtain a copy of "Using Astrology to Create a Vocational Profile: Finding the Right Career Direction" by Faye Cossar (from Faye or Amazon and many other book suppliers.)

... to commit to working with a client and doing the homework as this apprenticeship is not only about learning by listening but learning by doing.

You will need to have the ability to phone or skype. (Skype is easier if you want to show something of course.)  A recording device for the sessions with clients will save you a lot of work and time and is therefore strongly advised. Recommendations can be given if necessary. 

So how does it work?

1. You will be assessed to see if your background knowledge is adequate to be able to work responsibly with clients. This will consist of a Skype or telephone interview with Faye. You will be sent a list of questions before the call. This assessment is free.

2. You need to provide a bio of yourself. The requirements for this will be sent before the start of the training.

3. If you get accepted as an apprentice, you will need to find a 'guinea-pig' client and obtain an agreement from them to be part of your apprenticeship, including the number of sessions they will do and the homework they need to do. They will need to sign a release form.

4. When full payment is received, the Skype or phone sessions for the apprenticeship will be scheduled. There are 10 private teaching sessions of around an hour, covering topics in the book.

5. The appropriate chapters must be read before the scheduled meetings.

6. You will have homework after each session. This will be assessed before the next session.

7. Apart from the 10 teaching sessions, you can ask questions by email at any time.

8. The apprenticeship also includes 5 Skype or phone sessions of up to an hour for any help or feedback that is required. The last session will be a summary and feedback session. More sessions can be scheduled if necessary and will be charged separately.

Timing: You can do the sessions at your own pace however all sessions must be completed within a year from the first call.

These costs are for an apprenticeship - one-to-one personal coaching and tuition. There are no shared modules or pre-recorded lessons. The plan is tailor-made and set up and agreed for each individual student.

  • Personal tuition - 15 sessions of skype and telephone calls.
  • Answers to all emails.
  • Assessing of homework and suggestions for trial sessions with 'guinea-pig' client.
  • Any other coaching and support necessary including help for defining and promoting your own work.
For the Netherlands ( and most f Europe)  the cost is 1800 Euros including Dutch sales tax of 21%.
The cost for other currencies varies. Contact Faye for details. 

There are two payment options:
Paid in full before the start - 1800 Euros.   
Paid in two parts: one before the start and one after 5 teaching sessions. In this case there will be two payments of 910 Euros. 

It is suggested that you charge you 'guinea-pig' client for the sessions. Perhaps half of your normal rate. This helps with your costs but also helps the client value your effort. The client is also getting advice from 2 astrologers, as Faye will also give suggestions and advice on working with this client.

About the price:
This cost might seem high but it is a real investment of Faye's time. Her actual number of hours is more than double the face-to-face time as it is all tailor-made. You are also getting to share her expertise of career counselling as well as astrology.
You can recoup some of the costs from your course client. You will also have a way of working longer with your new ( or existing) clients and be able to offset that against your investment. As a comparison, a career counselling course often costs over 5000 euros. 

In many countries you can claim back the sales tax too, and of course you can offset the costs against your business. 

Contact Faye for details. Or call at 31(0)20-6206244. She is also available on skype if you make an appointment. 

If paid through paypal or banks not in the Netherlands,  UK, or New Zealand small bank charges may apply.

What do past graduates say about this training?

"After I followed this training, I finally dared to work with clients. This approach offers a very clear structure."

"Looking back on this training, I realise it formed the basis of my successful career as a vocational supporter."

"This gave me many new insights into astrology that say so much about the clients and their career potential."

And one from London:

"If I were to sum up, in one word, what it did for me, I would say it gave me confidence. Doing the course (and having chapters from the book to refer to) gives me a clear structure from which to work. I can give clients a time frame within which we will work. I start by telling clients that they will have to do homework as part of the work we would do together. The biography and CV that they provide at the outset gives me information from which I can generate questions. It has helped me to articulate my thinking and because of its conversational style, makes work with client feel more collaborative. My current client says its given her time to just focus on herself and I can see the way she has blossomed. "  Sharon Bond - London.

Course Leader

The apprenticeship is run by Faye Cossar, who has designed and run this practical course for some years. She has been a practicing astrologer and therapist since 1986, working in private practice and with businesses.

Faye is also on Facebook as is information on her book.