Still Room for you on next Sunday's Astrology and Consciousness event

Next Sunday afternoon, Armand Diaz, who can fortunately get out of New York where he lives (Mercury willing), will be in Amsterdam to give a lecture on his book Integral Astrology. He will discuss how consciousness plays a role in astrology and astrological readings. He will also cover the topic of consciousness evolution.

Faye Cossar will join him on this theme and her talk will be about the so-called transpersonal planets. She asks - are they becoming personal?

See the workshop page for more details on this afternoon of two lectures and a discussion with the audience.

And on to Consciousness Development

It was a very inspiring day yesterday with Lynn Bell giving her insights on both planets in detriment and fall and in the afternoon on the Pluto - Uranus square and how it might affect us personally.

As usual Lynn was entertaining but mostly she demonstrated what a great teacher she is. Food for thought in a way that few can provide.

So now it's on to our next event which is a little different for the ASA. Armand Diaz and Faye Cossar will present their ideas on Astrology and Consciousness. It will be a Sunday afternoon session with a drink and questions at the end. So come and join the discussion and get some tips along the way as to how we can help co-create a more positive future.

Still room for you on Lynn Bell's workshop

There are still places on October 14th for Lynn Bell's workshop.

Lynn's insights on the Pluto - Uranus square will be very interesting now we have had the first two exact squares.

She will also talk on Planets in Detriment and Fall - she spoke on this in the US and it was fascinating.

Book now. For more info go to workshops

We are also delighted to announce that Bernadette Brady will be here on the 9th December. Her topics will more than likely be 'The Moon's Nodes' and 'Fate'. As soon as this confirmed, more infomation will be posted, but keep the date free if you want to see another of the world's best astrologers.

Astrology and Consciousness

Our next workshop after Lynn Bell on October 14th will be a Sunday afternoon presentation and discussion on 11th November. I have invited Armand Diaz to present the findings from his very interesting book Integral Astrology.

Armand has a PhD from the CIIS where Richard Tarnas is a professor.

Faye will also speak on this workshop which we are calling A Practical Guide to Astrology and Consciousness. More details on the workshop page.

Lynn Bell in Amsterdam

The day with Richard Tarnas was fun but now it's onto the next workshop and the rest of the year. We are delighted to welcome Lynn Bell to Amsterdam again.

On October 14th Lynn will run a full-day workshop in Amsterdam.
There will be two topics. One is the Pluto-Uranus square.
Now that we are really in its energy, Lynn will expand on its meaning.
The second part is on Planets in Detriment. I saw her speak on this at UAC and I enjoyed it very much - despite not being a traditional astrologer! Come and join us on the 14th October. More details under workshops.

Richard Tarnas in Amsterdam

We are delighted to announce that Richard Tarnas, author of the acclaimed Cosmos and Psyche, will be in Amsterdam again. We have missed him. He was last here in 2009. This summer he will give a workshop The Comic Genius - so it' s laughter and learning on the 14th July. You can book now - or at least save the date if you don't yet know what you are doing in the holiday season.
Don't miss this world renowned speaker on astrology.
Details here.